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Waylon Jennings won multiple awards throughout his career, including male vocalist of the year from the CMA in 1975, the CMA’s vocal duo of the year in 1976 with Willie Nelson, and single of the year in 1976 for “Good Hearted Woman”. Jennings also charted several number 1s in the 1980s. He went on to have many more number 1s in the 70s, including “Luckenbach, Texas”, “The Wurlitzer Prize”, “I’ve Always Been Crazy”, “Amanda”, and “Come with Me”. Jennings also covered Ray Pennington’s “I’m a Ramblin’ Man” in 1974, taking it to number 1 on the US Country Chart, beating Pennington’s position at number 29 7 years earlier. Some of the most notable include a cover of Elvis Presley’s “Suspicious Minds” in 19’s “Good Hearted Woman”, which reached number 3 on the US Country Chart and number 1 on the Canadian Country Chart. Jennings’ musical career spanned 7 decades and resulted in many popular singles. What are some of Waylon Jennings’ most popular songs? What are some of Waylon Jennings’ most popular songs? What awards has he won? Find out in our Q&A below. Waylon Jennings was an American singer-songwriter, best known as a founding member of the Outlaw Movement, a popular country music subgenre in the 1970s and 80s.

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